Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lenten Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries


March 20, 2008

Matthew 26:26-28. "Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is My body'... Then He took the cup... 'Drink from it...' 'This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'"

Maundy Thursday

Much of the world customarily turns its back on the many gifts that God has given them. Very few realize the personal sacrifice it took to grant us those gifts of salvation and hope. Years ago, after opening our Christmas gifts, our 3-year-old daughter waded into the discarded wrappings, picked up a big red bow, held it over her head and said, "Look at me, Daddy! I'm a present!"

Today, as we remember Jesus' new covenant of grace, we thank Him for being God's present to us. It is one thing to go to the local shopping mall and buy a gift for an appreciative family member, but Jesus gives us Himself. He gives a gift more personal and costly than any gift from a catalogue. In order to offer us the Sacrament of His Body and Blood, He had to suffer and die in a manner most cruel. Nevertheless, He did so willingly, so that we might hear the words, "Take eat, take drink for the forgiveness of sins." May we, with repentant hearts, be gladdened and grateful.

Prayerful Practice: Dear Lord Jesus, the Gift of Yourself is what I've always needed. Grant me the Spirit to say, "It's just what I wanted." Amen.

A Contemporary Custom: Give a gift of yourself. In the name of Jesus, pass down a special piece of memorabilia to those who are coming after you.

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