Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lenten Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries


March 13, 2008

Matthew 27:46. "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' -which means, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'"

In hard times it is customary for people to think that God has forsaken them. That was the situation for teen-age Allison who was having a tough day. She lay down on the couch and began a litany of complaints to anyone who would listen. Her most attentive hearer was her little brother. She began, "Nobody loves me. The whole world hates me!" After a while, and fed up with the griping, he looked up and shared a word of encouragement: "Aw, that's just not true. Not everybody hates you. Some people don't even know you."

As Jesus hung upon the cross, He found Himself in a most uncustomary situation. He had been deserted by God and suffered hell for us. The most unfortunate person, on the worst day of his life, could never say that God had left him. Although they are often unnoticed, and seldom are appreciated, God's gifts continue to rain on all humanity. But this gift, the gift of salvation, comes only to those who hear the plaintive cry of a Savior who was forsaken, so His disciples might have a heavenly Father for eternity.

Prayerful Practice: Dear Lord Jesus, help me remember all You endured for me. Amen.

A Contemporary Custom: Memorize Hebrew 13:5. "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Write a note of love to Christ and tuck it in your Bible. He will never forsake you.

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