Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries


March 21, 2008

John 19:30. "When He had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.'With that, He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit."

Good Friday

People customarily fight all they can against death. Christians can, however, be different. A hardened Communist, in the Nazi concentration camps, was converted when he saw the selfless act of a lady named Maria. He watched, as the Nazis, filling their quotas for executions, sentenced a young mother to the gas chamber. When the Christian, Maria, saw what had happened, she pushed the mother aside and took her place.

With her selfless act, Maria showed that Christians are not afraid of death. Nevertheless, Maria, could give her life for only one person. As gracious as Maria's deed was, her sacrifice bought that mother, at best, a few years of life. In contrast, we have an uncustomary Savior who voluntarily sacrificed Himself for all people. Moreover, Jesus' death and resurrection give us life with Him for all eternity. The words of Scripture, "He ... gave up His Spirit," show us God's great love in action. Because of what Jesus has done, death is no longer a thing to be feared. Because of Jesus, there is life and life eternal.

Prayerful Practice: Dear Lord Jesus, help me to live each day as my last, never fearing the enemy: death. Amen.

A Contemporary Custom: The approach of death can be frightening. Take a flower to someone in a nursing home.

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