Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lenten Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries


February 20, 2008

Matthew 26:56. "But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples deserted Him and fled."

In spite of being warned, the disciples' flight shows us just how customary it is to run from taking a stand. The custom is held by rich and poor, young and old. Before he attacked Russia, Napoleon seemed to have the world at his fingertips. When the Russian invasion failed, Napoleon, fearing he might be overthrown at home, left his suffering army and hurried back to France. Coming to a river, the frightened general asked the ferryman if many deserters had asked for passage. "No," replied the Russian, "you are the first."

In making His uncustomary stand for the redemption of sinful humanity, Jesus broke new ground. He did have options. He could have escaped -after all, He had walked through a hostile crowd before (His time had not yet come). But Jesus was not a deserter. His Father had entrusted Him with the job of saving humanity and He completed it. So that others may know this wonderful news, Christians are being called upon, in increasing numbers, to take their stand. That's what we will do, lest we become a deserter in the Lord's crusade.

Prayerful Practice: Lord Jesus, empower me to be a faithful member of Your cause. Amen.

Contemporary Custom: As a parent or grandparent, write a letter of encouragement to the next generation, encouraging them to stand fast.


Tami said...

Hi Bonnie! What a great idea. I hope people get the "hang of it" and use it. Thank you. Tami

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.