Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More about our synod...

From the website of the Northwest Minnesota Synod

Connects congregations in mission...

> Partners in Ministry
~ Congregations can do more together than they could ever do alone. Fifteen cents out of every dollar congregations send to the synod is passed on to Partners in Ministry such as Luther Seminary, Oak Grove High School, the Minnesota Council of Churches and many more. To view the list of our Partners in Ministry click on www.nwmnsynod.org/info/partners.html.

> ELCA Churchwide
~ ELCA churchwide is doing God's work across our country and around the world. Spreading the gospel in this country and abroad is the largest activity we share in the ELCA. Fifty-one cents out of every dollar received from congregations supports the ministry of the ELCA.

> Social Justice
~ Synod committees assist congregations in making our "faith active in love". Staff and committees work in such areas as hunger, public legislation, and a variety of justice issues so that congregations might actively live the faith we proclaim.

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